魔王2099 第02話


未来すらも支配せよ 己が魔王であるために 統合暦 2099 年――新宿市。究極の発展を遂げた未来都市に、伝説の魔王・ベルトールは再臨した。巨大都市国家の輝かしい繁栄と……その裏に隠された凄惨な“闇”。新たな世界を支配すべく、魔王は未来を躍動する!第 33 回ファンタジア大賞――異次元の《大賞》受賞作、遂にアニメ化決定!

Rule even the future, for you are the Demon King. In this futuristic city that has achieved ultimate development, the legendary Demon Lord Beltor has reigned. The glorious prosperity of the giant city-state and …… Behind the glorious prosperity of the giant city-state and the horrific “darkness” hidden behind it. To rule the new world, the Demon King moves into the future! The winner of the 33rd Fantasia Grand Prize–another dimension of “Grand Prize”–is finally going to be adapted into an anime!

魔王2099 第2話「魔王と臣下」


魔王2099 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

