トリリオンゲーム 第02話


ワルで頭の回転が速い人たらし・ハルと、気弱で人と話すことが苦手なパソコンオタク・ガク。 正反対の二人は、中学時代のとある出来事を機に交友を深めていく。 それから数年。大学生になり就職活動に励むガクは、その性格が災いし面接で全敗。 本命であった大手企業・ドラゴンバンク本社の窓拭きバイトをしていたところ、ハルに一緒に起業しないかと持ちかけられる。 「俺らのワガママは、世界一だ」 この世の全てを手にいれるため、1兆ドルを稼いで駆け上がる、二人の超予測不能な起業サバイバルが始まる!

Hal is a badass with a quick mind, and Gaku is a computer geek who is timid and has a hard time talking to people. The two are polar opposites, but an incident during their junior high school days leads them to deepen their friendship. A few years later, Gaku becomes a university student and starts looking for a job. Gaku becomes a university student and strives to find a job, but he loses all his job interviews due to his personality. While working part-time as a window washer at the headquarters of Dragon Bank, a major company he had his sights set on, he is approached by Haru, who asks him if he would like to start a business with him. The two begin an unpredictable entrepreneurial survival game in which they must earn a trillion dollars and run up to the top in order to win everything in the world!

トリリオンゲーム 第2話「START UP」


トリリオンゲーム 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

