放課後少年花子くん 第05話


「ねえ知ってる?この学園の七不思議にまつわる奇妙な噂」 旧校舎3階女子トイレの3番目には『トイレの花子さん』がいて、大切なものと引き替えに願いを叶えてくれるという。 かもめ学園の七不思議・トイレの花子くんと、その助手になったオカルト少女・八尋寧々。 怪異事件ばかりが起こるこの学園で、彼らは平和な日をどう過ごしているのか。 これは本編では描かれない、ゆる~い放課後のひととき。

Hey, do you know about this? Strange rumors about the Seven Wonders of this school.” It is said that there is a ‘Hanako-san of the Toilet’ in the third women’s restroom on the third floor of the old school building, who grants wishes in exchange for important things. The Seven Wonders of Kamome Gakuen, Hanako-kun of the Toilet, and the occult girl, Yahiro Nene, who became his assistant. How do they spend their peaceful days at this school, where all the strange incidents occur? This is a loose after-school moment that is not depicted in the main story.

放課後少年花子くん 第5話「悪夢/コンビニ」


放課後少年花子くん 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

