恋は双子で割り切れない 第9話


いつまでも、ただの幼なじみじゃ居られない── 初恋こじらせ系双子ラブコメ開幕! 白崎純と琉実・那織の神宮寺姉妹は小さいころから家族同然で育った幼なじみ。 見た目ボーイッシュで乙女思考な姉・琉実と、 外面カワイイ本性地雷なサブカルオタの妹・那織。 顔はそっくりだけど全く正反対な2人。 純はいつからか芽生えた恋心を抱えながらも、特定の関係を持つでもなく交流は続いていたのだけれど…… 「わたしと付き合ってみない? お試しみたいな感じでどう?」 琉実が発したこの一言が、3人をいびつな三角関係へと導いていく――

We can’t stay just childhood friends forever── begins a romantic comedy about twins with complicated first love! Jun Shirasaki and the Jinguji sisters, Ryumi and Naori, have been childhood friends since they were small children and have grown up together as a family. The older sister, Ryumi, looks boyish and has a girlish mindset, while the younger sister, Naori, is a subculture geek with a cute exterior and a thorn in her side. Their faces look exactly alike, but they are complete opposites. Jun has been in love with Naori for some time, but they have never had a specific relationship. …… “Would you like to go out with me? How about a trial run?” But one word from Ryumi leads the three of them into a love triangle…


恋は双子で割り切れない 第9話「止めてほしかったけど、止めてくれなかった」


恋は双子で割り切れない 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

