天穂のサクナヒメ 第7話


遥か東方の果て、ヤナトの国。 古来よりこの地では神々の住む頂の世と人間の住む麓の世、二つの世があると信じられている――。 頂の世に住まう上級神かつ駄女神のサクナヒメは、 武神と豊穣神の間に産まれながら、両親が蓄えた穀を潰しぐうたらな生活を送っていた… そんな中ある日、ひょんなことから 神々の都を追放され、鬼たちが巣喰う孤島・ヒノエ島へ!? 明日の食糧もままならない不毛の大地で、土を耕し米を育てて鬼退治へ。 神の世に迷い込んだ人間たちと、ひよっこ豊穣神の、もみ殻舞い散る集団生活が始まる‼

Far to the east, in the land of Janat. Since ancient times, it has been believed that there are two worlds in this land: the world at the top, where the gods live, and the world at the bottom, where humans live. Sakunahime, the high goddess and goddess of fertility who resides in the world of the top, was born between a warrior god and a fertility god, but lived a life of idleness, destroying the grain her parents had accumulated… Then one day, by chance, she was banished from the city of the gods to Hinoe Island, an isolated island inhabited by demons! In a barren land with no food for tomorrow, they cultivate the soil, grow rice, and go to exterminate the demons. The ministry of the humans who wandered into the world of the gods and the chick fertility god begin their group life with rice husks dancing in the air.

天穂のサクナヒメ 第7話「ココロワヒメの憂鬱」


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