ばいばい、アース 1話


様々な動物の姿をまとう獣人が住まう世界に、ラブラック=ベルは唯一の”人間”として生まれた。 牙も毛皮も鱗もない彼女は”のっぺらぼう”と呼ばれ、どこにも自分と同じ種族を見つけることができずに、もの寂しさを感じながら日々を過ごしていた。 「私も、世界と交じり合いたいーー」 そんな想いに胸を焦がし、身の丈ほどの大剣<唸る剣(ルンディング)>と共に、自分のルーツを探す旅に出ることを決意する。 その代償として、数々の試練が待ち受けるとも知らずにーー

In a world inhabited by beastmen who take on the forms of various animals, Lovelac-Belle was born the only “human” in the world. She is called a “blob” because she has no fangs, fur, or scales, and she spends her days feeling lonely because she cannot find her kind anywhere. She is so excited by this thought that she decides to embark on a journey to find her roots with a sword as tall as she is, the “Lunding,” which roars. He is so excited by this thought that he decides to embark on a journey to find his roots with a sword as tall as he is, the Lunding, without knowing the many trials that await him.


ばいばい、アース 第1話「第一楽章 出立。赤い時刻にて」


ばいばい、アース 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

