青のミブロ 第01話


黒船の来航により、動乱が巻起こる幕末の京都。 心優しい少年「にお」が出会ったのは、”ミブロ”の土方歳三と沖田総司。 のちに「新選組」となる壬生浪士組の隊士たち。 金も土地も命すら理不尽に奪われる時代に自らの正義を胸に、京の街を守る”ミブロ”の面々。 「僕だって強くなりたい。こんな世界変えたい。」 “ミブロ”との出会いをきっかけに、ふつうの13歳の運命が、大きく動き出す! 命がけの”ド青春”新選組『青のミブロ』。 シリーズ累計1300万部超えの青春サッカーマンガ『DAYS』安田剛士による「週刊少年マガジン」にて大人気連載中の最新作、待望のアニメ化!

Kyoto at the end of the Edo period is in turmoil due to the arrival of the black ships. A kind-hearted boy named “Nio” meets “Miburo” Hijikata Toshizo and Okita Soji. The Mibu Roshigumi, who later became the “Shinsengumi,” are the members of the Mibu Roshigumi. In an age when money, land, and even lives are being taken away from people for no reason, the “Miburo” members protect the city of Kyoto with their own sense of justice. I want to be strong, too. I want to change this world.” An encounter with “Mibro” sets the destiny of an ordinary 13-year-old in motion! Ao no Miburo” (Blue Mibro) is a life-threatening ‘de seishun’ shinsengumi. The latest in a series of popular soccer manga “DAYS” by Takeshi Yasuda, which has sold over 13 million copies in total, is being serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” and is being adapted into a long-awaited anime series!

青のミブロ 第1話「君と運命の出会い。」


青のミブロ 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

