異世界失格 第12話(最終回)「今度こそ絶対死にたい


とある文豪と、その愛人がこの世を去った。 憂い多き人生の如く渦を巻く激流へと身を投げ…るよりも早く、猛スピードで突っ込んできた〝例のトラック〟によって。 文豪が目を覚ますとそこは、異世界の教会。案内人は、慈愛に満ちた瞳で微笑みかける。 「ようこそ冒険者よ。あなたは選ばれ、転移したのです」 御多分に洩れず、勇者の使命を背負わされてしまう文豪。だが、彼は転移者の誰もが与えられる〝あるもの〟を持たなかった……。 「…ふふ。恥の多い生涯だ」 この世でも、異世界(あの世)でも <失格者>の烙印を押された文豪(センセー)の冒険が幕を開ける。 きっと、どこかにいるはずの「さっちゃん」を見つけ出し、今度こそ、あの日の本懐——心中を遂げるために。

A great writer and his mistress have passed away. They threw themselves into the torrent that swirled around them like a life full of sorrow… The “truck” that came barreling toward them at a high rate of speed, faster than the truck that had been in the past. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a church in another world. The guide smiles at him with compassionate eyes. Welcome, adventurer. As is typical, Writer is given the mission of a brave warrior. But he didn’t have the “something” that all transferees are given. …… I’m not sure what to say. I have a lifetime of shame. The adventures of the great writer, branded as a “disqualified person” both in this world and in the other world (the other world), begin. He is sure to find “Sacchan,” who must be somewhere out there, and this time, he is determined to fulfill his true love, which he did on that day – to achieve his true love’s suicide.


異世界失格 第12話(最終回)「今度こそ絶対死にたい」


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