逃げ上手の若君 第10話


“たがいに助け合い、完全な小市民を目指そう。” かつて“知恵働き”と称する推理活動により苦い経験をした小鳩くんは、清く慎ましい小市民を目指そうと決意していた。 同じ志を立てた同級生の小佐内さんとたがいに助け合う“互恵(ごけい)関係”を密かに結び、小市民としての高校デビューを飾り平穏な日々を送るつもりでいたのだ。ところがふたりの学園生活に、なぜか不可解な事件や災難が次々と舞い込んでくる。 はたして小鳩くんと小佐内さんは、小市民としての穏やかな日々を手に入れることができるのだろうか。

“Let’s help each other and aim to be perfect little citizens.” Kobato, who had a bitter experience in the past due to a deductive activity called “wisdom work,” was determined to become a pure and modest little citizen. He and his like-minded classmate Ms. Osanai secretly formed a “mutually beneficial” relationship, and planned to make their high school debut as small citizens and live a peaceful life together. However, for some reason, their school life is filled with a series of unexplainable incidents and mishaps. Will Kobato and Kosanai-san be able to live out their peaceful days as small townspeople?

逃げ上手の若君 第10話「変態稚児と神力騒動」


逃げ上手の若君 動画一覧ヘ(To Video List)

