響け!ユーフォニアム3 第13話


高校3年生になり、部員90人超となった北宇治高校吹奏楽部の部長に就任した、黄前久美子。久美子たち3年生にとっては最後となる吹奏楽コンクールを控え、練習にも熱が入る。悲願の「全国大会金賞」は達成できるのか? 部長として踏み出した久美子、高校生活最後の熱い青春を描く!

Kumiko Kouzen is now a senior in high school and has been appointed as the head of the brass band club of Kita-Uji High School, which now has over 90 members. Kumiko and the other third-year students are eager to practice for their last brass band competition. Will they be able to achieve their long-cherished dream of winning the gold medal at the national competition? Kumiko steps forward as the head of the brass band and depicts her last passionate adolescence in high school!

響け!ユーフォニアム3 第13話(最終回)「つながるメロディ」


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