忘却バッテリー 第4話


中学球界で名を馳せた完全無欠の剛腕投手・清峰葉流火、切れ者捕手の“智将”・要圭の怪物バッテリー。全国の強豪校からスカウトを受けていた彼らが進学したのは何故か野球無名校の東京都立小手指高校だった。さらに圭は記憶喪失で野球に関する知識も失っていた。 そしてかつて彼らに敗れ散り野球から遠ざかっていた天才たちも、偶然同じ高校に入学しており…。 巡り合い、再び動き出す彼らの高校野球ストーリーがいま始まる―!

The monstrous battery of Kiyomine Hayarubi, a flawless, hard-armed pitcher who was famous in the junior high school baseball world, and Kaname Kei, the sharp-shooting catcher. They had been scouted by the best schools across the country, but for some reason, they went to Tokyo Metropolitan Kotesashi High School, a school with no reputation in the baseball world. Kei, on the other hand, had lost his knowledge of baseball due to amnesia. The geniuses who had once been defeated by them and had been away from baseball, happened to be enrolled in the same high school…. Their high school baseball story begins again!

忘却バッテリー 第4話「容赦しないよ」


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