交通事故(!?)によりあっけなく人生の幕を閉じるはずだったゲームを愛するひきこもり・佐藤和真(カズマ)は、ひょんなことから、女神・アクアを道連れに異世界転生することに。 「RPGゲームのような異世界で、憧れの冒険者生活エンジョイ!めざせ勇者!」と舞い上がったのも束の間、転生したカズマには厄介なことばかり降りかかる。トラブルメーカーの駄女神・アクア、中二病をこじらせた魔法使い・めぐみん、妄想ノンストップな女騎士・ダクネスという、能力だけは高いのにとんでもなく残念な3人とパーティを組むことになったり、借金で首が回らなくなったり、国家転覆罪の容疑で裁判にかけられたり、魔王軍幹部を討伐したり、たまに死んだり……。 そんなある日、紅魔の里から帰還したカズマたちのもとに、手紙が届く。 その内容は、王女アイリスが、魔王軍幹部を倒したカズマ達の冒険譚を聞きたいというもの。護衛兼教育係のクレアとレインを伴い、アクセルの街を訪れた王女アイリスは、カズマ達パーティとの対面を穏やかに終えたと思いきや――― 「また私に、冒険話をしてくれるって言ったじゃない?」 王女アイリスが、カズマに懐いてしまった!? カズマが目を開けると、そこはなんと王都! アイリスに乞われて滞在するうちに、王城でのセレブ生活に味を占め、これ幸いと居座ることを決めるカズマ。 しかし、ちょうど同じころ、王都では義賊が暗躍する事件が起きていて――!?
Kazuma Sato (Kazuma Kazuma) is a game-loving recluse whose life should have ended in a traffic accident (!?). Kazuma Sato (Kazuma Kazuma), a game-loving recluse who was supposed to end his life unexpectedly due to a car accident (?!), is accidentally reborn in another world with the goddess Aqua as his companion. In a different world like an RPG game, he enjoys the adventurer’s life he has longed for! Aim to be a hero! But in the short time that he was soaring, trouble kept befalling the reincarnated Kazuma. He is forced to form a party with the troublemaking goddess Aqua, the wizard Megumi, who is a bit of a nerd, and the nonstop delusional female knight Daknes, who are all highly capable but extremely unfortunate, gets in over his head with debt, is put on trial for the crime of overthrowing the state, defeats the leaders of the demon king’s army, and sometimes dies. He defeats the top brass, dies occasionally, and ……. Then one day, Kazuma and his friends return from the Red Devil Village and receive a letter. The content of the letter is that Princess Iris wants to hear about the adventures of Kazuma and his friends who defeated the Demon Lord Army leaders. Accompanied by her escorts and educators, Claire and Rain, Princess Iris visits the town of Axel and meets Kazuma and his party peacefully, but then… “You said you would tell me about your adventures again, didn’t you?” Princess Iris has taken to Kazuma! When Kazuma opens his eyes, he finds himself in the royal city! While Iris begs him to stay, Kazuma gets a taste of the celebrity life in the royal castle and decides to take advantage of it and stay. But just at the same time, there is an incident in the royal city where a bandit is involved in a dark plot…!
4月10日 水曜日 23:30~
- カズマ:福島潤
- アクア:雨宮天
- めぐみん:高橋李依
- ダクネス:茅野愛衣
- ルナ:原紗友里
- 荒くれ者:稲田徹
- クリス:諏訪彩花
- デュラハン:安元洋貴
- ミツルギ:江口拓也
- ウィズ:堀江由衣